Carmanah| Polara| EDI| Diablo

AVI-ATS-*n Transmitter (puck)

The AVI-ATS (Anti-Theft System) is a two-part system – the AVI device (puck) that is easily installed on the underside of a vehicle, and it’s matched transmitter located in the engine compartment under the vehicle hood. If the “puck” is stolen, the system will no longer transmit the correct code and will be rendered useless to a thief. For normal operation, when power is applied, the transmitter emits a coded signal. The signal is picked up by a loop coil mounted in the driveway or roadway surface, which is connected to an AVI receiver capable of decoding the transmitted signal. With a water tight enclosure now being used, the AVI transmitter no longer requires potting and is therefore repairable in the event of damage.


Specified Code Number
Model AVI-ATS – *n, where *n is the AVI code to be transmitted

Code Value between 1 and 19,683