Carmanah| Polara| EDI| Diablo

[DISCONTINUED] MMU-1600DE Conflict Monitor

The Model MMU-1600DE Malfunction Management Unit is a full featured unit that monitors up to 16 traffic signal channels for conflicting inputs, improper sequencing, incorrect timing, and invalid voltage levels.

The MMU-1600DE is fully compliant with NEMA Standard TS 2-2003. The MMU-1600DE can operate in either Type 16 mode (sixteen channels) or Type 12 mode (twelve channels). When configured to operate in Type 12 mode, the unit is downward compatible with NEMA Standard TS 1-1989.



  • SP1 USA: Dip Switch Interface and Ethernet Port, American Firmware
  • SP1 CAN: Dip Switch Interface and Ethernet Port, Canadian Firmware